Re: [Anjuta-list] non-latin characters?

gleb wrote:


Is there any way to see non-latin characters in Anjuta's editor?
(i.e. if i try to enter russian letters in any encoding (koi-8, cp866 or cp1251) i can see an ureadable abracadabra only. Canging font ant encoding filter from Preferences->Editor hase no effect.

Thank you.

Well, I suppose that we should wait untill anjuta 1.02 come (or any other anjuta designed for GTK+ 2.x). I've tried anjuta2 (using glimmer as a text editor) - it works with cyrillics ok. I haven't understood yet if current anjuta 1.0.x developers are the same guys that are developing now anjuta2, or it's some other project. Any way, multibyte characters can
process (IMHO) only a GTK+ 2-based soft.
So I'm scratching comments in English now (it's so tiresome).
   Igor Gorbounov

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