Re: [Anjuta-list] Re: [Anjuta-devel] Search/Replace Misses First Match

>Although we can have a work around for this, this can easily be solved
>by selecting the text backward, i.e. drag select from last char to the
>first. :)
>DISCLAIMER: I haven't tried it, though.

Hmm, kinda clunky.  I'll grab a tarball and try to supply a patch.

>> And as for my other suggestion, it would be sufficient to just have a 
>> menu option to "Enter Find String" which would take the 
>> currently-selected text and enter that as the search target.  That should 
>> be quite simple, no?
>I think that is do by default. If there is any text selected, it is
>automatically entered in the search target when the search is activated.

Yes, there is a default action that does this, but that requires opening 
up the Search/Replace dialog.  I want to be able to enter a selection 
WITHOUT opening the search/replace dialog.  It may sound silly if you 
haven't tried working that way, but it is very useful....


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