[Anjuta-list] A user suggestions

Hi everyone !

I received a french mail of a user suggesting a lot of good things.
He is a PHP developer who uses Anjuta for his whole PHP programming
(hey, that's rather strange, but ...). He was very kind, and gave Anjuta
a lot of thanks (he told he is an inconditional user :).

I primarly though about translating his mail, but it's quite long, so
I resume here the main points (I left some because it was french
translation-related) :

Problems/Bugs :

- internal.properties contains two bugs (line 571, lacks of an
anti-slash, line 633, detach mysql_connect from mysql_create_db) so yes,
he is precise, this is something really cool.
	ACTION => fixed
- step 3 of the assistant: no space can be put in the name
	ACTION => told him Anjuta targeted C/C++/F77, and automake needs
a rough name, but we could add a "real name" property. What do you think
- PHP syntax highlighting problem for nested languages (xml inside php
for example).
	ACTION => I download the latest scintilla/SciTE current, and it works
now. Since Naba told he would sync Anjuta with the latest scintilla,
that's already considered done.
- when you copy/paste text from the A -> B buffer that's ok, but you
can't pase in B if A is closed !
	TODO => Very nasty bug, can someone (Andy ? I know this becoming to be
painful) fill a bug on sf.net ?

Suggestions :

- folds use in PHP
	TODO => request this feature for upcoming scintilla releases.
- can find PHP variables like in C, with the tags manager (not too hard
since every PHP variable begins with the dollar '$' sign).
	ACTION => added in the TODO list.
- insert GPL notice menu entry
	ACTION => added in the TODO list.
- remove the C/C++ part of the splash screen :)
	TODO => Hey, that's not false either, don't you think ?



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