Re: [Anjuta-list] Keybindings

Stef wrote:
> What sort of keybindings : vim / emacs default 
> keybindings for example ?
> If that's it : since a lot of ppl asked for it, 
> we surely do something like that...

Two very different points here:

Our wishlists / feature lists / TODO lists are getting way out of sync!.
At the moment, we have the TODO file from the distribution, the feature 
requests on SF, some mention in the documentation of features e.g. CVS 
integration, and also the wishlist on the website. These ought to all 
be integrated somehow!

I suggest that we should merge everything into the TODO list. That way, 
it is available to everyone. I could transfer ideas from the feature 
requests on the website, and close them once they have been added to 
the TODO file for reference (or leave them open, for comments?). Also, 
the ideas from the website should be merged.

Then, the future features page on the website could be automatically 
updated from the TODO list in CVS, so it is always up-to-date.

Finally, we've yet to produce a document detailing the roadmap, and I 
think that would be very useful for people wishing to join the project (
along with more updates to the HACKING file, and better code comments :)

How can vi or emacs keymappings actually be implemented?

Firstly, for editing we are partly dependent on Scintillia, so surely 
we have to base our keymap on the features supported by Scintilla (? - 
I don't know enough about Scintilla!)

Secondly, how do you implement e.g. Esc-YY to yank a line which is not 
currently selected, but the cursor is on? This does not seem 
particularly easy.

I do think that having these keymappings would be a great idea, it 
would make Anjuta much more intuitive for those from different UNIX 
backgrounds, but it looks tricky to implement!



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