Re: [anjuta-devel] gedit features


Le 07/04/2016 18:17, Alin Craciunescu a écrit :
1. Tell me please can I find anywhere online the "core version" (if I
can say like that) of gedit?
2. Is there any way to make the text and the Gedit window transparent,
in order to can see the window behind it?y?
3. Is it possible to use any keyboard shortcut for "Spelling
Suggestions..." option when the cursor is on the wrong word?
4. Is it possible to use Gedit window like for example would be in the
"Fullscreen" view, but to resize the Full screen window for your needs.

This is the mailing of Anjuta not gedit. I don't know the answer of all these questions, I think you should rather ask these questions on gedit mailing list (gedit-list gnome org)



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