Re: [anjuta-devel] Error while compiling Anjuta source


I was going through the documentation for working on the Build feature.

Meanwhile I have also filed a bug with a fix attachment. There are indentation issues which I am still facing trouble in overcoming.

Please have a look at it.

IRC Nick- kan4

On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 2:45 AM, Johannes Schmid <jhs jsschmid de> wrote:

> For the "build a single file" feature, I was going through the
> IAnjutaBuildableInterface. Please can you provide me an overview of
> the structure of "Build" and also tell what is the status of "build a
> single file" feature currently.

The status of the feature is that it doesn't exist - there is no way to
build a file in anjuta without having a Makefile. But it would be useful
to design some kind of RFC for the feature including the patterns for
different programming languages and use-cases. The implemenation could
be an interesting project for OPW.

For an overview, please have a look at the code and the libanjuta API


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