Re: [anjuta-devel] Project manager test failures


On 24/10/2012 22:34, James Liggett wrote:
On 10/24/2012 12:18 PM, Sébastien Granjoux wrote:
What is the error? I have changed this recently to avoid such issue.
It doesn't really say. It just says "failed." There is a message that
references a file named testsuite.log, but that file isn't there. Is
there something I need to do to make the test output a little more verbose?
I don't know. I just running 'make check' in the build directory 
plugins/am-project/test. I have indeed a file named testsuite.log here. 
But when a test fail, it keeps the test files in 
testsuite.dir/_test_number_ so testsuite.dir/02 for anjuta test.
This test compare two files, one na;ed anjuta.lst in the source 
directory but copied in the testsuite.dir/02 directory and another file 
named output generated in the same directory.
You can check what at the difference. I have added some a bit complex 
expression, to remove node number in both file as they were always 
changing when using the real Anjuta project. It shouldn't be needed anymore.
I imagine we could have an issue with anjuta.lst if it is not copied in 
the right directory.
Or perhaps the copy of anjuta is not decompress correctly, it is a shar 
Or projectparser has some issue when listing the project but it 
shouldn't happen as it's working here.

Yeah, I saw that. That change should help us out quite a lot.
Well, it seems that it doesn't help so much currently. :(



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