Re: [anjuta-devel] Summer of Code

Hi Moritz!

Have you been sucessfully building anjuta?

Feel free to ask for advice here.


Am Samstag, den 03.03.2012, 15:50 +0100 schrieb Moritz Lüdecke:
Hi Johannes,

First thank you for your mail. My primary mail address is
ritze skweez net  (It was my fault, to use moritz luedecke online de   )

I'd read the links in your mail and more documentation about Summer of
Code. At the moment I try to compile anjuta and read a little in the
source code to learn more about the program.

Before I'd never work on a bigger C project as apposed to java
programs, so I need a bit of time to work in.

After that I try to fix some bugs from the bugtracker.


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