Re: [anjuta-devel] Problems trying to get members of an struct.

Hi Johannes,

thanks for the test case.
I'll try to understand what's going wrong and let you know asap.


On 01/22/2012 04:06 PM, Johannes Schmid wrote:
Hi Marco, hi Massimo!

Actually I don't know why it doesn't work, seems like a bug in
symbol-db. I extended the test-case a bit, see attachment.

Massimo, maybe you have an idea.


Am Samstag, den 21.01.2012, 16:46 +0000 schrieb Marco Diego Aurélio
2012/1/20 Johannes Schmid<jhs jsschmid de>:
What do you mean by looking good/bad. What's the debug output and what
are the source files you are using? Do you get the scope name or not? Do
you see any members?

The file I'm using is the default one created by the gtk-application
template; the output I get says that the scope has no members. The
scope name (as seen by he output) is right.

The problem is that ianjuta_symbol_query_search_members is returning
NULL. This is happening even when there are members in that scope (and
these member appear in the symbol browser). Everything else before
this point is right.
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