[anjuta-devel] Accessing GDL dock items from plugins

As part of my usability fixes for git shell, I'm working on a way to
make the Git Tasks menu show up only when the user is viewing the Git
window. To facilitate this behavior, I've added a "deselected" signal to
GdlDockItem that gets emitted when the user selects another dock item in
a GDL notebook. 

I'm debating the best way to expose this signal to Anjuta plugins. My
inner lazy person would just as soon have the git plugin connect
directly to the deslected signal of the Git dock's GdlDockItem, but the
conscientious coder in me says that letting plugins play directly with
underlying GDL objects is a bad idea. 

So what would be the best way to do this? Preliminarily I think that we
could add some kind of "widget select watch" facility to AnjutaShell
where plugins could register callbacks for selection/deselection of
their widgets. But I'm a little apprehensive about this as it seems like
a lot of work for a very simple event. Could there be a simpler way to
do this without letting plugins mess with GDL directly?


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