Re: [anjuta-devel] New AnjutaProcess object

Hi James,

Le 03/07/2011 22:15, James Liggett a écrit :
You could probably subclass AnjutaCommand to do all of this. I already
do a lot of this for the git plugin; maybe we could generalize the git
code and call it something like AnjutaProcessCommand.

Yes I know this object we have already discussed about it.

Here if the name is quite close, the goal is quite different. The main issue is to store all informations about a command: working directory, environment and command line arguments, and modify them, running the command is not really needed.

Then, running the command is needed at the end so we could use subclass of AnjutaCommand. But currently it's already working with just anjuta_launcher and callback, I don't think that using AnjutaCommand will help. The idea is a bit different too, you don't have a list of commands but one context which is used by several commands (they are strictly sequential). It could probably be done in another way using AnjutaCommand but it needs more changes.



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