[anjuta-devel] Anjuta mallard documentation


I have just committed the documentation for the build plugin in mallard format. I will be interested to have some feedback about it.

1. The text for Compile files, Build targets, Clean targets and Install targets is very similar and these information looks quite obvious to me. Do you think it's really needed? I have started to put compile, build and clean on the same page but I finds it too long.

2. Comparing to the previous documentation (the current in docbook format), there is less explanations about the generate/configure step, make dependencies. I have looked at other Mallard documentation and it looks simpler too, but do you think it's enough?

3. I put the description of each dialog on one page and I have created a index for them. I have in mind to add a help button on these dialogs displaying this help page. Do you think it's useful?

4. I think, we could have one page for each plugin too. I have done it but I haven't added an index for all plugins yet.

5. I don't know how to link the preference dialog page and the different actions (compile, build, install...). I have put the preference page in the See Also section and it is referenced in a note in the install commmand because I think the use of su and sudo will be quite common.

It would be nice to have a complete Mallard documentation for the next stable release. I can take care of the debugger part then comparing to the previous documentation we need only something about editor, code navigation and glade plugin. Is there some volunteers?



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