Re: [anjuta-devel] new project manager UI


Let me give an example: consider someone wrote a project backend plugin
for Ant[1], how would the project manager show the project structure?
I'd assume it would be something like this:
or maybe even like this (the left pane):

In both cases, Anjuta[2] cannot know about all the different nodes.
While it is OK to just have generic icons for them, not showing them at
all wouldn't be nice (we may even end up with a blank project view).

Well, Anjuta has a list of known node types. Probably that isn't enough
for some project management systems but that is pretty hard to fix. I
guess nobody wants to implement a full project-manager just because the
node type xyz doesn't look exactly like in eclipse. It is pretty natural
the every new project backend might need to add something to the
project-manager we didn't think of yet, but with a 6-months cycle it is
reasonable to just change that in the project-manager.

Every restriction for out-of-tree plugins is a bug more or less.
This reminds me of another restriction I encountered: the file manager
knows only about subversion and git, so if someone writes a plugin for
something else [3], it won't be automatically loaded. I'll file a bug.

Yes, the implementation of the automatic loading isn't very
sofisticated. It should actually query the version control plugins (or
at least their plugin description) if they support a certain directory.
Again, not difficult to fix but there was no need for it, yet.


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