Re: [anjuta-devel] Improvements in project manager


1. Implement everything in the project manager plugin
GtkWidget *ianjuta_project_manager_chooser_new (IAnjutaProjectManager 
*obj, GError **error);

The returned GtkWidget implement a new IAnjutaProjectChooser interface 
which has one function
GFile *ianjuta_project_chooser_get_active (IAnjutaProjectChooser *chooser)

+ Everything is implemented in the project manager plugin and can be 
changed easily
- We need one additional interface IAnjutaProjectChosser

It's easy so I would go for that option.

- We cannot add the target selection widget in the gtk builder file, it 
has to be created in the program.

You could implement the widget in libanjuta and add it to the glade
widgets that we already install. This way you can easily include it in
the builder file using the anjuta catalog. Many git widgets work that

Probably the interface would be a bit different though and you would
just call anjuta_target_chooser_set_project() in the plugin using the


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