Re: [anjuta-devel] GSettings migration


Having only gtksourcerview can make the maintenance easier, but on the 
other side it can limit user's choice for editor. Personally I'm a 
Scintilla fan and I'd really like to help keeping up with gtk+ 3.0 
support. The only problem is the time: I'm not sure I can serve both 
symbol-db/c++ parser/lsp-c++ and scintilla maintenance.

As I said before I am in no way opposed still supporting the scintilla
editor but I cannot do the maintaince. Sebastien and you have done that
in the past, if you can port it to 3.0 and GSettings I see no problem.

On the other side gtksourceview is lacking a really important thing 
IMHO: support for custom syntax highlighting. In that way I would like 
to search for someone that could provide a simple xml-color-schema to 
integrate into Anjuta preferences, in a way like it's for Scintilla 
right now. It shouldn't be that difficult I suppose. A python plugin can 
also be thought: it has good xml-parsing utilities.

Shouldn't be that difficult if it is the only thing missing for you.
Maybe I will have a look into that but I am not sure yet how to properly
install a custom theme. Maybe it can just be saved in the
~/.gtksourceview dir or something like that.


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