Re: [anjuta-devel] Mallard version of Anjuta Help


First, thanks a lot for taking a look at this!

Am Dienstag, den 09.11.2010, 13:14 -0300 schrieb John Coppens:
- The automatically generated (same tool) CSS file is not entirely
  useful, so will have to be edited to: 1) adapt a little to the
  other pages in the Anjuta site, and 2) increase contrast in 
  several of the markups, which are nearly invisible and surely
  don't comply with readability requirements (the CSS used in the
  Mallard site itself is different).

I think it might be useful to just use a custom css maybe based on the
autogenerated one for the website.

- Though the more rigid rules of the format will probably help
  in standardizing the help documents, I'm not entirely convinced
  that is actually more practical than, say, basic (X)HTML.

Luckily this is no question we have to answer ;) But I think it is kind
of useful as it would be painful to define classes for buttons, menu
items, etc. in a consistent way within html documents. mallard provides
a lot of very documentation specific mockup that makes writing docs a
lot faster IMHO.


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