Re: [anjuta-devel] RFC: Symbol-db future


I think the project manager can call itself 
ianjuta_symbol_manager_add_package without needing the intervention of 
the language support plugin. It could be more difficult for the language 
support plugin to do it because the packages header are loaded with some 

The project-manager is the wrong place to do something that is specific
to C/C++ projects IMHO. Any other projects don't need to parse those
directories even if they use pkg-config to check if everything is
installed correctly. And you also don't need this symbols until the user
opens a C or C++ file.

Then, is the symbol db plugin interested by knowing the packages ?

No, we don't care about the packages at all. The method could as well be
called add_files(). The symbol-db plugin will have to check anyway, if
those files are in the database already. Sorry for being misleading

I think it could be easier to send it directly all the header files 
without splitting them in packages. One thing that is interesting though 
is to tell to the project manager which header files are associated with 
which source files. By example having

ianjuta_symbol_manager_add_file (GFile *source, GFile *header);

We can use a GList of GFile* to avoid some call of this function. The 
project manager has to call this function for all sources files with all 
headers of all packages. The language-support plugin can call it each 
time a new file is displayed with only the included header.

I don't see a reason why we should make the database more complicated by
adding this association somewhere. It is far easier to do this on the
fly. And again, project-manager shouldn't do C/C++ specific things.

I think it's possible to keep in a database saved on disk which give you 
all symbols for a given header file and all header files used by a given 
source file. So, we don't have to rescan all headers everytime.

I never planned to update the headers everytime. My plan was to copy the
(already scanned) symbols of those headers to a temporary database that
is used for searching. This is just a database operation, nothing will
be rescanned here. The reason for copying is basically that I think
otherwise we need a very complicated SELECT to only get the symbols we
want (and we still had to merge those with the project symbols).

If a source files is updated, the language-support plugin will check 
again its include and  call a function of the symbol db plugin to remove 
or add some header files.

Yes, from add/remove the temporary database.

So, I will try to make this clear again:
* symbol-db will scan all the include dirs we have with pkg-config
* language-support will tell symbol-db which header files are necessary
for the current file
* symbol-db copies the symbols of these files to a temporary database in
* searches will be performed on this temporary database.


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