Re: [orca-list] Archlinux and voxin

I have emailed the contact address for voxin, I await their response.

Thanks for the information about the .deb archives and deb2targz. While I don't like the idea of having that library as a binary only package, I think it will have to stay that way as I think compiling it would involve using an old compiler and tool chain, which probably would not be available in archlinux.

I have looked at altering the gnome-speech PKGBUILD script and I have it that it can substitute the standard gnome-speech one but I probably need to work out how I am going to do dependencies for the IBMtts itself.

I think I probably have all the bits in my hands but I just need to know what is the best practice to put them together.

Michael Whapples
On -10/01/37 20:59, Christopher Brannon wrote:
Michael Whapples<mwhapples aim com>  writes:

Before I go into the detail, some of this could be simplified with
packages in AUR or may be even an additional repository.
The distributor of Voxin would probably be interested in an ArchLinux package.


open the libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2_2.95.4-27_i386.deb using archive
manager. You will find two files in there, extract the data.tar.gz
A .deb file is an ar archive, just like the ones used for static
libraries.  You can extract the contents with
ar xf whatever.deb
If you're only interested in the data.tar.gz member, then you can use
the deb2targz tool to convert a Debian package to a .tar.gz archive.

-- Chris

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