Re: [guadec-list] Registration Fees for GUADEC 2007

On 5/16/07, Paul Cooper <pgc openadvantage org> wrote:
Well to play along with the party metaphor just a little longer - when I'm invited to a
party I generally like to bring along a token of appreciation for the host(s) for the effort
of organising and hosting the party.

Anyway back to the real world. If after thinking about it you're still not happy with the
registration fee then please fill in a sponsorship application just for the registration fee.

It's not about the money. It's about my feelings towards GUADEC. I
always thought it's more of a get-together of all the hackers
sponsored by people that appreciate the work we are doing. Everybody
working on GNOME was invited. Do you feel invited when you have to pay
a fee? (The same goes for applying for sponsorship btw: Do you feel
invited when you have to beg for the money?)

For me this is the fundamental question if this is more like a party
where the host invites people he appreciates or if this is more like a
conference where interested people are asked to pay a fee? The Guadec
homepage seems to emphasize the word "party". The mandatory fee

Let me be crystal-clear about this again: It's not about the money.
It's certainly worth even 140 pounds to meet everyone. But it wouldn't
feel the same to me when it wants a fee from me. Even if that fee is
just 1 penny.


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