Re: [guadec-list] Schedule Calendars

Hi Karl,

Karl Latimer wrote:
> Sure why not. When do you want it by?

Whenever you're able - this evening? ;)

>> I guess we could also make the schedule use the hCalendar microformat
>> for events - that would be pretty cool for people browsing along who are
>> microformat enabled. But that's another volunteer task I guess :)
> I've never heard of hCalendar microformat is it something supported by
> evolution? Or is there an RFC/ISO to work to? I can do the ics easily,
> so I could continue to work on the hCalendar after the bulk is done, it
> might be as easy as a perl script run against the ics file?

Microformats are just xhtml snippets that use class attributes to convey
semantic information, and which are kind of standardised. They're just
HTML, and you can style up your HTML as you want afterwards.

Just one example: a presentation in the schedule might have the
following ICS (one VCALENDAR can contain many VEVENTs):
PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
SUMMARY:F-Spot: Wide Angle

In the hCalendar microformat, to have this event, you would just add the
following xhtml to your page:

<div class="vevent">
 <a class="url"
  <span class="summary">F-Spot: Wide Angle</span>:
  <abbr class="dtstart" title="2007-07-17T10:30:00">10:30</abbr>-
  <abbr class="dtend" title="2007-07-17T11:30:00">11:30</abbr>,
 in <span class="location">Recital</span>

(or similar) - the important thing is that the various metadata is
identified by class names (vevent, url, summary, dtstart, dtend,
location) that can then be styled at will.

You can imagine, for example, having the cells in the schedule table
have this format of HTML, and then hide some of the stuff (start &
finish times, for example) with display:none for that class.

OK - maybe this is over-complicated, but if you look at the Operator
extension to Firefox and then browse around the XTech webpage, you'll
see why this might be useful.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
bolsh gnome org

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