[gnome-maps] (22 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/mlundblad/es6-modules

The branch 'wip/mlundblad/es6-modules' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  7e3e109... Migrate to ES6 modules
  1cb70e7... scripts/extractPoiTypesFromID: Use ES6 modules
  b37ee31... address: Use string templates instead of imports.format
  6a884e9... application: Use string templates instead of imports.format
  91bb6eb... graphHopperGeocode: Use string templates instead of imports
  c2e2876... overpass: Use string templates instead of imports.format
  3b0fecd... photonGeocode: Use string templates instead of imports.form
  8bc121a... placeView: Use string templates instead of imports.format
  992e926... wikipedia: Use string templates instead of imports.format
  2eb7837... utils: Stop using imports.byteArray
  1eb54d5... scripts/extractPoiTypesFromID: Stop using imports.byteArray
  e2ee5f0... contextMenu: Stop using imports.mainloop
  df1faa8... geoclue: Stop using imports.mainloop
  39bd412... geoJSONSource: Stop using imports.mainloop
  9b94895... graphHopper: Stop using imports.mainloop
  2a71340... mainWindow: Stop using imports.mainloop
  5ab0032... mapBubble: Stop using imports.mainloop
  9ccfd3c... mapMarker: Stop using imports.mainloop
  9e85ee9... mapView: Stop using imports.mainloop
  06f624f... printOperation: Stop using imports.mainloop
  cc299f3... sidebar: Stop using imports.mainloop
  a669765... turnPointMarker: Stop using imports.mainloop

Commits added to the branch:

  4f6dcf9... Migrate to ES6 modules
  3650f51... scripts/extractPoiTypesFromID: Use ES6 modules
  9927f3d... address: Use string templates instead of imports.format
  3c9c559... application: Use string templates instead of imports.format
  ec81431... graphHopperGeocode: Use string templates instead of imports
  21dc28a... overpass: Use string templates instead of imports.format
  7e4c389... photonGeocode: Use string templates instead of imports.form
  cbf81d1... placeView: Use string templates instead of imports.format
  123641e... wikipedia: Use string templates instead of imports.format
  c5de386... utils: Stop using imports.byteArray
  be03b1a... scripts/extractPoiTypesFromID: Stop using imports.byteArray
  e37f7a8... contextMenu: Stop using imports.mainloop
  83ec9a8... geoclue: Stop using imports.mainloop
  fa9942f... geoJSONSource: Stop using imports.mainloop
  689c708... graphHopper: Stop using imports.mainloop
  c152f7c... mainWindow: Stop using imports.mainloop
  1aac140... mapBubble: Stop using imports.mainloop
  c0e0164... mapMarker: Stop using imports.mainloop
  de89a3c... mapView: Stop using imports.mainloop
  c57af9f... printOperation: Stop using imports.mainloop
  89b47db... sidebar: Stop using imports.mainloop
  2983d4e... turnPointMarker: Stop using imports.mainloop

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