Re: [xml] XML Schema: Nillable custom type error (PATCH)


On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 19:33 -0500, Sir Woody Hackswell wrote:
Wow! You're right!  I respectfully disagree with the standard, but it's 
what we must follow.  Nillable to me meant that it could have a null 
value.  It seems silly to me to declare that it's empty... because you 
can just check if it is or not. =shurg=  It's like those manuals that 
have "THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK"  written in them. ;)


For the schema processor the character content of <foo></foo> or <foo/>
is an empty string; with xsi:nil one defines it to be NIL. So there is a
significant difference, i.e. an empty string is different from NIL.



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