[Vala] Vala command completion in MonoDevelop 2.4

Has anyone managed to successfully get Vala command completion working
in MonoDevelop 2.4?

Some background: I'm running Ubuntu, and using the Vala Team PPA to
keep up to date with vala (as of this post, I have valac 0.9.1

Also, I've installed the recently-released MonoDevelop 2.4 using
Badgerports (http://badgerports.org/)

The problem is, the monodevelop-vala package maintained by Badgerports
doesn't include libafrodite, which is required for command completion
to work.

So I've tried compiling and installing libafrodite using the code
from: http://code.google.com/p/vtg/ I've tried both the latest stable
release, and an svn checkout of the latest code. In both cases, once
libafrodite has been installed MonoDevelop becomes almost completely
unresponsive or crashes whenever I open a .vala file.

Has anyone else encountered these issues or found a fix?


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