Re: [Vala] private fields vs bodyless properties

Hi Hans,

On Fri, May 30, 2008 02:05, Hans Vercammen wrote:
The strange thing is, that whenever "private int foo { get; set; }" is
used as an rvalue it translates to something like self->priv->_foo, but
when I use it as an lvalue the setter method gets invoked, which can
cause overhead in some situations.

That's just a missing optimization. We will be able to replace the
function call by direct assignments in most cases in a future version.

After some digging I found that I can also use _foo as property lvalue
in the vala source bypassing the setter, but this feels more like a hack
and im not sure if I can rely on that.

You should definitively not rely on that, it's a bug that Vala accepts
this at the moment. However, after adding the aforementioned optimization,
this won't be necessary anymore for performance reasons, either.

Assigning private or protected values during construction is a rather
common practice, but I don't know what the preferred solution would be.
Personally I like the {get; set;} thing, even for just marking private
fields read/write/construct only, but maybe some final optimization
layer in the generator should simplify this.

I generally recommend the following for construct-only properties:

public string foo { private get; construct; }

For cases where this is a performance issue, we're improving the support
for non-GObject (but still GType-registered) classes, which follow more
closely the C# and Java construction scheme.


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