[Tracker] More SoC ideas

Just a summary of ideas for SoC (based on the little feedback I have

1) More widgets for libtracker-gtk - 

a) search grid in t-s-t made a widget here with new options to use
treeview or iconview, options for large or more compact views (current
tst view is large - g-s-t is compact view). Also option to scroll for
results rather than explicit page buttons.

b) RDF Query widget - see some mockups here: 

2) Networked Tracker

should use avahi/dbus to locate remote tracker servers. Could make use
of ssh or as suggested use this http://gabriel.sourceforge.net/

Api would need to be added to add support for retrieving list of servers

TST would need to be changed to list all available servers to use and
allow user to pick one

3) Linux Kernel file notification mechanism. 

This would speed up trackers start up time by doing away with the need
to scan for dirs to watch at startup. If tracker is always running we
can be confident of always being up to date with that mechanism. OSX has
this facility.

file notifications should use dbus kernel interface and ideally be
integrated via HAL with tracker using dbus match rules to filter
relevant msgs

There have been previous attempts to add this to the kernel so existing
code can be found and adapted here.

If anyone got more ideas let me know. the stuff has to be tracker
related and not involve other gnome apps (epiphany and nautilus will
probably be covered by Gnome SoC)


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