Re: Notes and press release

On 8/27/05, Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:
> > > It's online already at the obvious place, though I prefer not to link to
> > > it yet in a publically-archived list.
> Why not? the people who care enough to look for it already know what
> is going on; you're just making it harder for people who want to help
> to help.

NM. Google. duh.

Luis (not very smart)
> > 1) The documentation page claims that each program comes with complete
> > user documentation.  Is this correct?  I know Shaun is a miracle
> > worker and all (what would we do without him?) but given that he
> > pretty much is the documentation team, I wasn't sure if this was
> > accurate.  (I'm also worried about, but
> > perhaps that will all show up at the last minute...)
> We have to ask Shaun how comfortable he feels making this statement, i guess.
> > 2) According to there
> > are 37 languages at or above 80% rather than 33.  This number might
> > change over the next two weeks, though.  Are there plans to update the
> > list?  Is this left for the i18n team to do (I hope)?  If not, where
> > does one get the count of speakers of a given language?
> We should definitely make this the i18n team's problem. :)
> > 3) The standards page mentions Xdnd, EWMH, XEMBED, and XSETTINGS as
> > "other" standards that are supported making it appear that these
> > aren't standards.  EWMH definitely is (though, yeah,
> > it was started before and the mailing list for it is
> > under, but that's just because moving a mailing list
> > isn't worth the effort; the cvs and webpage stuff is all on
> >, and the links to the other three at least point to
> > so I'm assuming they're projects too.
> > Should these be moved around in that paragraph?
> I've always hated this paragraph, because really, mostly no one cares
> what standards we support, and it basically never changes. It should
> be a full webpage somewhere, and one sentence in the release that says
> 'we support a lot of important standards; for a complete list see:
> > 4) The installation page mentions jhbuild for CVS only; if we can
> > agree on a good place to put the jhbuild modulesets (Vincent suggested
> > /ftp/pub/GNOME/teams/release/2.11 and s/2.11/2.12/) then we can have
> > jhbuild for tarballs as well and put the 2.11.91 and 2.11.92 releases
> > that Vincent and I did up for others to use.
> Seems like a good plan to me. I'll make some corrections in there
> about the liveCD, and it should probably contain a link to Davyd's
> awesome-but-not-yet-linked-anywhere footware page.
> > 5) The Known Issues page is merely a copy of the one from 2.10.  What
> > issues do we want to include this time, if any?  (Luis?)
> None yet that I know of, in theory all the showstoppers will be resolved :)
> Luis

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