Re: How does Project Ridley affect ISV's?

On 8/25/05, Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> wrote:
> <quote who="Brian Cameron">
> > Does the release team have any feeling for which GNOME libraries will
> > remain in the platform after Project Ridley and which libraries will
> > continue to be supported?
> Brian, it has been quite well known throughout the project that we are

It has been?  Perhaps It is quite well known to those who are well
connected, but I only ever remember it from a few IRC conversations
really and it being tangentially mentioned in various emails.  And
with IRC conversations it's hard to tell whether it's just a subset of
Gnome developers that dislikes it and is moving away from it or
whether it's a broader movement.  After enough of those conversations
and reading enough d-d-l and r-t posts, I started assuming it was a
broader deprecation, but this is the first email I recall seeing it
stated this clearly (though I may have just forgotten other ones). 
And if I wasn't sure that it really was the plan, I'm sure there's
lots of others who know far less...  Perhaps this was heavily
discussed on d-d-l in the years before I started following it and
people assumed that everyone knew and thus only mentioned it in
passing?  Perhaps it wasn't made more clear due to the 'social
intrigue' required, as you put it? (now that this is mentioned,
though, I remember a heated email from Michael to Havoc on the matter
which Havoc dismissed with something to the effect that "I didn't even
bring this issue up in my email to which you're replying", but even
from that I could only guess that Havoc was one additional person who
didn't like Bonobo.)  I really don't know, but I don't think this has
been communicated that well.

Of course, this is just kind of proving Brian's point that we have a
ways to go on documenting various areas of our platform besides just
documentation (what's in and out, what we intend for ISV use vs. just
Gnome use, what's deprecated, what do we intend to add, whether and
when we have any plans for API/ABI breakage (i.e. is 3.x in the
works?), and other various plans/intentions).

> The point of your email could have been communicated in about 10 lines, btw.
> :-)

Now, now, no need to encourage Brian to set his line wrap to 1000
characters.  ;-)  But yeah, Brian suffers from the same problem that I
often do and sometimes it's hard to figure out how to be succinct (of
which this email is probably an example)...


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