[Fwd: [libxml++] ANNOUNCE: libxml++ 2.11.0]

Note that this can go into GNOME 2.12 because it contains no new API
compared to libxml++ 2.10.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [libxml++] ANNOUNCE: libxml++ 2.11.0
From:    "Christophe de VIENNE" <cdevienne gmail com>
Date:    Thu, August 25, 2005 9:20 pm
To:      "libxml++" <libxmlplusplus-general lists sourceforge net>

*** libxml++

libxml++ is a C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library. It has SAX
and DOM-like APIs, but does not attempt to conform exactly to the DOM
specifications because they are not aimed at C++. Its API is much
simpler than the underlying libxml C API.

libxml++ is part of the GNOME Platform Bindings and follows the GNOME 
release schedule:

*** Changes

* First unstable 2.11.x release, to become stable 2.12.x
* Fixed Document::set_entity_declaration behavior (Murray Cumming) *
Updated MSVC.Net2003 project files (Cedric Gustin)
* Fixed bugs #301727, #301712, #156352, #161825, #307481, #314419

*** Homepage


*** Download

You can download libxml++ from here:



Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com
*** libxml++

 libxml++ is a C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library. It has SAX
 and DOM-like APIs, but does not attempt to conform exactly to the DOM
 specifications because they are not aimed at C++. Its API is much
 simpler than the underlying libxml C API.

libxml++ is part of the GNOME Platform Bindings and follows the GNOME
release schedule:

*** Changes

* First unstable 2.11.x release, to become stable 2.12.x
* Fixed Document::set_entity_declaration behavior (Murray Cumming)
* Updated MSVC.Net2003 project files (Cedric Gustin)
* Fixed bugs #301727, #301712, #156352, #161825, #307481, #314419

*** Homepage


*** Download

You can download libxml++ from here:



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