Re: How does Project Ridley affect ISV's?

> The description of "GNOME Platform" seems to say "The GNOME Platform
> libraries
> provides APIs on which GNOME applications can be developed.  They make a
> commitment to API and ABI stability within minor GNOME releases (e.g. all
> GNOME 2.x releases)."
> This seems to suggest that the current GNOME Platform libraries will
> be supported as long as GNOME remains at 2.x.  Does this mean that when
> Project Ridley is done that GNOME will become 3.x and the deprecated
> interfaces will be removed from GNOME, or is the plan to keep GNOME at
> the 2.x level and the deprecated libraries will continue to be supported
> even after Project Ridley is released?  Or is the plan something else?

There is no plan whatsoever for an API or ABI break in the forseable
future. In the unlikely event that we did do it, we'd want to do a
parallel install, as we did with GNOME 1.4 -> 2.x.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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