Re: libostree v2017.3

On Mon, 2017-03-13 at 15:32 +0000, Robert McQueen wrote:
On 11/03/17 09:44, Richard Hughes wrote:
Endless has a [custom update daemon](
eos-updater) that I look has certainly advanced a lot.  They may
ideas/requests/design input.

Hey Endless people! How do you show OS release notes to the user?

We don't at the moment. :( Typically our release notes are finalised
the days between tagging the release in our staging repo but before
pushed to our production repo, in parallel with the image and static 
delta builds, etc.

So if we had to presume/assume that the release notes were ready and 
translated to be checked in to ostree, we would probably be stuck. I 
know we do want to have the release notes shown to people
(?) an upgrade, don't know if we'd got as far as the mechanism - not 
sure if that's planned yet. Cosimo might know.

I think we could add the release notes as detached metadata on the
commit for the release. Detached metadata can be added to a commit any
time, without changing the commit ref. This does mean that the release
notes would have to have their own GPG signature, but that’s fine.

(That said, I can find very little documentation on detached metadata,
so I might be misinterpreting its usefulness here.)

This might also be an opportune time to mention my nefarious plan
maybe with a hackfest, we could review/remove Endless-isms from 
eos-updater and proffer it as a battle-tested candidate to become
ostree update daemon. :)

Philip has just been landing Avahi server/client code which Kinvolk 
worked on for us last year, which means we've got "fatter" in the 
eos-updater layer and it's worth us comparing notes to see what can
upstreamed where - this is useful stuff which is really not Endless 
specific so we want it out in the wider world.

(Our largest Endless-ism was our server indirection mechanism to look
refs based on the hardware we're running on, but we took that out 
because combining that correctly/safely with Avahi updates is a real 
noodle baker, and in practice we weren't using it.)

Indeed, now I think the only Endless-isms are the metrics (small amount
of code, done on deployment only); and the policy about when to poll
and pull updates.

I would be very keen to make eos-updater more generic.


That said - I'm not sure if we have the cycles to do _all_ of that
now, but Philip is about to start thinking about applying OS update 
schedule/policy to our Flatpak runtimes, and also
runtimes/apps using the Avahi machinery. This convergence may well 
involve having GNOME Software take over being the UI for our OS
or eos-updater taking over some of the fetching (that _is_ a little
Endless specific, as our /var/lib/flatpak/repo is /ostree/repo too),
- so this is a very opportune time to talk about what eos-updater
need to have to become ostree-daemon, and then we can dig into these 
kind of integration points with a little more generic interest.



Robert McQueen  |  +1.415.413.4159  |  Endless <>

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