Re: [orca-list] Which password managers do you use with orca?

Keepass has disappointed me recently as well. I switched from KeepassX to Keepass2 because I had to also work 
on Windows and those databases are interchangeable, just copy like a file and no imports necessary.
But recently going back to Linux I have found I can't even keyboard Keepass2 at all. There's some known mono 
bug killing ctrl-c and ctrl-v, which I can't seem to fix, but additionally I can't even use the Tab key nor 
the fancy shortcuts either.

So also hoping someone's had good success with a Linux pw manager, though it sucks that I can't stick to the 
open source one that also works on my Windows box. 

Anyone using BitWarden?


On Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 9:14 AM, Christian Schoepplein via orca-list wrote:

I am looking for a password manager that is accessible on Linux, Windows 
and Mac. Currently I am using Keepass on Mac and Windows, the database 
is synced via Dropbox. I've tried to use Kepassx on Debian to also get 
access to the central database, but kepassx seems to be not very 
accessible out of the box.

What password managers do you use to handle your passwords across 
different systems? Have anyone get keepassx to work with orca?

Ciao and thanks for your help,

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