Re: [orca-list] Firefox bindings (was Re: revisiting the issue of unbound keybindings)

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I'm not opposed to these bindings, as long as we keep next and previous
large object bound. Those have to be the absolute most useful keystrokes
I've ever seen in structural navigation, far more useful than the simple
skip to text functions most other screen readers have.

On 04/24/2010 11:32 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Alex, all.

On Sat, 2010-04-24 at 20:11 -0500, Alex H. wrote:

Lots of good points in this thread.

I agree. Thanks guys for sharing your thoughts on this matter!

Regarding this:

I agree with Storm about Firefox, we should attach keys to the Firefox
quick nav keys for checkboxes/edits/forms etc. People migrating from
other screen access programs can start browsing the web without having
to customize their keystrokes. With that said, it's easy enough to
change a keystroke if a user doesn't like it.

I want to do two things:

1. Be sure we all agree that this should be done -- or at least all
agree that doing it is not going to hurt anything. Anyone who objects,
now is the time to speak up.

2. If we all do agree that structural navigation keys for Firefox should
all be bound by default, I'd like us to agree on the keystrokes. To make
things simpler, here's an initial list of the currently-unbound items
and proposed bindings which I'll toss out. It's mostly based on (what I
remember to be) the conventions adopted and shared by the Windows screen

Anchor - a and shift a
Button - b and shift b
Check box - x and shift x
Combo box - c and shift c
Entry - e and shift e
Radio button - r and shift r
Separator - s and shift s


Also, a question for those of you whose primary language is not English:
What is typically done (and what should we do) with respect to these
bindings? In other words, if your word for 'heading' is a word that
doesn't begin with 'h', do you just get stuck with the 'h' because your
screen reader is developed by someone for whom 'heading' does start with
'h'? Or are there language-specific bindings for these sorts of things?

Thanks again for all your input!

Take care.

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