Re: [orca-list] Adding new pronunciations causes a hang


I myself can't reproduce the problem, evrything seems fine with the last updates....


Rui Btista
Qui, 2009-01-22 às 12:38 -0500, Willie Walker escreveu:
Yeah!  Good news and thanks for testing so quickly, Halim.  If Vítor 
Oliveira or Javier can test this and have positive results, I'll open a 
bug and get the patch in.


Halim Sahin wrote:
> Hi Will,
> Thanks for your fast response and (great work).
> your patch seems to elminate the problem on my machine.
> I could create a new entry in my empty pron.-list.
> Thanks
> halim
> On Do, Jan 22, 2009 at 11:31:03 -0500, Willie Walker wrote:
>> Hey All:
>> I noticed some messages being sent to the console when trying to
>> reproduce this bug.  I still cannot reproduce it, but I made a patch to
>> get rid of the messages.  Perhaps they are tickling something on your
>> machines that's not being tickled on my machines?
>> Attached is the patch.  Save it as foo.txt in your svn directory and
>> then run:
>> patch -p0 < foo.txt
>> It should make changes to  Then build/install orca and
>> rerun.  If the problem goes away, please let me know.
>> Will
>> On Thu, 2009-01-22 at 08:53 -0500, Willie Walker wrote:
>>> Hi All:
>>> I'm starting a new thread.  Please respond to this thread for this 
>>> subject only.  Please don't hijack other threads by doing a reply all on 
>>> some random message and then changing the subject.  It ends up getting 
>>> very confusing.
>>> It has been reported that adding new pronunciations causes a hang in 
>>> Orca.  I have not seen this nor can I reproduce it with repeated 
>>> testing.  As such, this is going to be hard for me to track down.
>>> The latest test case that seems to work for at least one user is the 
>>> following:
>>>     1. Disable braille support in the braille page.
>>>     2. Click OK and restart orca.
>>>     3. Activate orca's preferences, locate the pronunciation page,
>>>        tab to the new entry button and press the space key.
>>>     The result is that orca stops completely and I need to press
>>>     ctrl+alt+backspace to restart gnome session.
>>> Halim has also reported a similar hang to me in private e-mail.  I 
>>> cannot reproduce this at all, so I'm going to need some help here.
>>> Please see if you can reproduce this issue.  If you can, please take 
>>> note of the exact things you did to cause it to happen.  In addition, if 
>>> you can reproduce it, please try reproducing it with svnversion 4432 by 
>>> pulling svnversion 4432 using the following command:
>>> svn co -r 4432 orca-4432
>>> This will create an orca-4432 directory that you can go into and 
>>> build/install orca from svnversion 4432.  If you don't know how to 
>>> build/install orca from svn, you can try the instructions at 
>>>  If you don't feel 
>>> comfortable with the instructions, though, don't do it.  You might end 
>>> up breaking your installation of Orca if you don't know what you're doing.
>>> In addition, if you can reproduce the problem, please also create a 
>>> debug file using the instructions at
>>> Finally, please be very specific about the operating system and version 
>>> you are using, what "gnome-about --version" gives you, which version of 
>>> orca you are using (running "svnversion" in your svn directory will be 
>>> very useful), etc.  When I cannot reproduce a problem, all this 
>>> information can help me deduce what the problem might be.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Will
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Orca-list mailing list
>>> Orca-list gnome org
>>> Visit for more information on Orca
>> Index: src/orca/
>> ===================================================================
>> --- src/orca/	(revision 4456)
>> +++ src/orca/	(working copy)
>> @@ -2828,7 +2828,8 @@
>>                      newRow = table.getRowAtIndex(index)
>>                      newCol = table.getColumnAtIndex(index)
>> -                    if (newRow != oldRow) or (oldParent != newParent):
>> +                    if (newRow >= 0) \
>> +                       and ((newRow != oldRow) or (oldParent != newParent)):
>>                          # Get the header information.  In Java Swing, the
>>                          # information is not exposed via the description
>>                          # but is instead a header object, so we fall back
>> @@ -2853,7 +2854,8 @@
>>                                          + rolenames.rolenames[\
>>                                          pyatspi.ROLE_ROW_HEADER].speech
>>                              utterances.append(text)
>> -                    if (newCol != oldCol) or (oldParent != newParent):
>> +                    if (newCol >= 0) \
>> +                       and ((newCol != oldCol) or (oldParent != newParent)):
>>                          # Don't speak Thunderbird column headers, since
>>                          # it's not possible to navigate across a row.
>>                          topName = self.getTopLevelName(newLocusOfFocus)
>> _______________________________________________
>> Orca-list mailing list
>> Orca-list gnome org
>> Visit for more information on Orca

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Orca-list gnome org
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Rui Batista
E-mail: ruiandrebatista (at) gmail (dot) com
MSN/WLM: ruiandrebatista hotmail com
Skype: ruiandrebatista  

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