Re: [orca-list] Test: Thunderbird has improved, and seems to work rather stable

On Fri, 16 May 2008, Hermann wrote:

Good, this was something I had problems with before, but why doesn't
thunderbird show greater signs with orca for quoted text?

It shows it in the editing mode. In the reading mode it's indeed difficault
to figure out what's quoted text. Sometimes it is indented, but that
doesn't seem to work too reliable.

Yes, I think I remember something similar when using braille.

In the 2.x version I use with Windows quoted paragraphs are marked with the
word "quote", so this should be implemented in 3.x, but that's a
issue. Perhaps we should file a bug.

I dunno, don't use windows.

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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