Re: [Muine] muine-y re-tagger?

On 12/13/06, Götz Waschk <goetz waschk gmail com> wrote:
On 12/13/06, Luis Villa <luis tieguy org> wrote:
> I've started to notice that a lot of my techno and classical is really
> badly tagged, and I'd like to retag it. What are people here
> using/recommended for retagging right now? I want the best possible
> simple/intelligent/automatic/reliable album-based retagging, and I
> figure this group would know as well as anyone :)

I can recommend Easytag. It doesn't have GUI as simple as Muine, but
you can even add the Composer and Original Artist tags which might
come handy with classical music.

'doesn't have GUI as simple as Muine' is an understatement- youch.

There used to be something much simpler, but I can't find it now. I
may have been thinking of Cowbell, though Cowbell development seems to
have stopped.

(It would be awesome if Cowbell hooked into my Muine album DB so that
I didn't have to pick files off the hard drive, if there happen to be
any Cowbell developers here ;)

Picard can automatically retag files with the metadata from
musicbrainz, but I haven't used it much.

In part my problem is caused by musicbrainz's inconsistent tagging in
the first place, unfortunately. (I just ripped a six-disc beethoven
symphony set, which had four or five different title/artist
descriptions. Only the last two were consistent with each other, I

BTW both are available as nice rpm packages in Mandriva Linux. :-)

Thanks! I'm an Ubuntu user at the moment though.


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