Re: Changes for new committee members

I think it's better if I'm not at the top of the list and if it's only
alphabetically sorted since "chair" here isn't really important :-)
Also it should probably be sorted by last names (and not first names).

Ok, I'll sort as you said.

  Vincent Untz <vincent vuntz net>
  Albert Mora <jarashi telefonica net>
  Baris Cicek <baris teamforce name tr>
  Eddy Mulyono <eddymulyono mail com>
  Sankarshan Mukhopadhay <sankarshan randomink org>

I hope I haven't done any mistake about names and emails. Seems like
those files should be ascii-encoded, I would be pleased if Vincent
clarify this issue. 

Good question. I see no reason not to convert them to UTF-8, so it's
probably a good thing to convert them.

Then can members write their names in Utf-8 and post? Then I'll fix

Btw, is there any place apart from theese files that committee members
should be changed? Vincent? Glynn? 

Yes: the HACKING file :-)
I think that's all.
I missed that one. :)

Btw, seems like membership_new.txt is not alph. sorted, and too
cumbersome. For that reason I wrote a small perl script that sort the
entries, and put the commented ones at last. I want to put that script
to repository as well. Is there any problem with it? Or that file is
broken on purpose, even though it's mentioned twice to keep that file
alph sorted?



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