RE: Norton Commander?

it is also the same case with me. i used norton commander quite a lot in dos
age and early stage of win95. but now nc can't be used under NT4.0 and Win98
and Unix and Linux. 
so for NT4.0 & Win98, i turn to volkov commander, for Unix & Linux, i turn
to MC. 
all are clones of nc. 

it seems that not only semantec doesn't give out nc free, but also it
doesn't sell nc now. from semantec's homepage, i can't find a sale item for
nc5.0 -- my old flame. 


Xu Qiang

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Hedblom [mailto:hedblom djupo com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 6:10 AM
To: mc gnome org
Subject: Norton Commander?

Why arent there any references to Norton Commander, the application that 
Midnight Commander stems from? I use MC because i have used NC since its 
first version on DOS long ago. I think it would be fair to atleast 
reference Nortons application since that in its time was groundbreaking. 
When i found MC in linux i akmost jumped of joy since i could do 
everything without any hassle whatsoever since MC is almost identical to NC.


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Mc gnome org

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