Re: [Promotion] Re: Because you have better stuff to do than fixing your computer

On 10/21/06, Thilo Pfennig <tpfennig gmail com> wrote:
( I also reply to freedesktop)

2006/10/19, Quim Gil <qgil desdeamericaconamor org>:
> Can we borrow the "Just Works! (tm)" slogan?

Actually I don't think that such slogans are a good idea. I think
Windows, Mac, Intel and AOL already go that line that THEY enable the
user to do cool things.

Right, the "Just Works" angle might be a bit confusing because of its broadness.

Apple and MS "just work" a lot better fo a lot of new users because
it's tough to overcome years of prebuilt desktop experience, control
over the hardware in many cases, and a small army of driver writers.

That being said, over the life of the machine...with viruses,
licensing issues, end-of-life for support, DRM, lack of freely
available software (for photos, etc) start to think, "Hey, it's
GNOME/KDE/Linux/BSD that just works!"

If you thought that there was a target market for KDE/GNOME when 98
support goes down, XP should be even more so.  The average machine in
a couple years that isn't "Vista Ready" will be quite powerful, and
with Vista's restrictive installation policy (only switch machines
once, I believe)...these machines and the ability to use them will
"Just Work" with KDE/GNOME.

Conclusion: "Just Works" works, but clarification on what it really
means will lead to a more refined result/message.


I really think that we rather should communicate other values, that
might not be as "sexy", but maybe in the future.

I would rather like to communicate:

 * GNOME is free software: "Free your Desktop" (I love to see this
slogan to be a shared slogan of KDE, GNOME and others like:
 * "Free you desktop with GNOME" or
 * "Free your desktop with KDE"

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