Re: [libxml++] Re: different behavior on solaris/x86 and linux/x8 6 of Document::create_root_node?

i was somewhat hampered from doing a thorough job because the gdb we have installed on solaris x86 for gcc 3 doesn't work. what i ended up doing was installing the latest libxml++ release (0.25), and poof! the problem went away. not rigorous, i know, but since we are working to get off of solaris x86 anyway, i couldn't justify to my bosses spending time finding the root cause.

thanks for your help.


Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:
From: Murray Cumming [mailto:murrayc usa net] On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 22:25, Tim Flechtner wrote:

xmlpp::Node* nodeRoot =


   cout << nodeRoot << endl;


which on my solaris x86 box cout's 0, and on linux cout's a valid address.

I would suggest a little debugging, maybe into libxml too. Some code
somewhere is probably purposefully setting a pointer to 0 for some

Did you discover anything?

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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