[jokosher-devel] Jokosher RC - Test the tarball!

All our critical bugs have been fixed, and our final icons have been finished, with a day to go before release.

Here is a tarball with the latest code and extensions:


If all goes well, this revision we be released on Monday. You can install the package on your system by running:

sudo python setup.py install

Please remember that python distutils does not provide an uninstall feature, so you will have to remove it manually. I have provided a list of files and folders that it installs at the bottom of the setup.py file, so you know what to delete.

Things that still need to be done:

* The README in the tarball is out of date. It should be rewritten for 0.2 will all the proper dependencies, and install instructions.

* There are no translations included in the tarball. I will fix this once I get everything out of Rosetta.

* Make the Jokosher Ubuntu script download and unpack this tarball, so people don't have to download Jokosher from SVN.

* Write docs on how to download and install Jokosher.

* Decided if we are releasing a DEB/RPM (or is it useless because we require gstreamer CVS?) and get packaging people to be ready for the final tarball tomorrow.

* Test, test test!

* Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.


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