Re: [clutter-box2dmm] clutter_box2d_get_actor() is undefined

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Aarto Matti <aarto matti gmail com> wrote:

I would like to access C API fucntion clutter_box2d_get_actor() from C++ code, how can I do it?


To be more concrete, how can I access Box2D API from C++? It would be enough to access b2Body *body and b2Shape *shape private members of ClutterBox2DActor class. What I'm trying to achieve is to set to actors a fixed mass that doesn't depend on their size. By default mass is calculated as:

shapeDef.SetAsBox (width * 0.5 * SCALE_FACTOR,
                         height * 0.5 * SCALE_FACTOR,
                         b2Vec2 (width * 0.5 * SCALE_FACTOR,
                         height * 0.5 * SCALE_FACTOR), 0);
shapeDef.density   = 10.0f;
shapeDef.friction = 0.2f;
box2d_actor->shape = box2d_actor->body->CreateShape (&shapeDef)

I believe I could do it explicitly like this:

Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Box2D::Box2D> box2d = Clutter::Box2D::Box2D::create();
Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Rectangle> actor = Clutter::Rectangle::create();
actor->set_size(100, 100);
Glib::RefPtr<Clutter::Box2DActor> actor_box2d = box2d->get_actor(actor);
actor_box2d->body->massData.mass = 2.0f;

Because clutter-box2dmm is incomplete I see now way of doing this.


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