Re: Libegg - eggtoolpalette.h

On Wed, 2009-11-04 at 14:04 -0500, ArbolOne wrote:
> Excellent! I saw the screenshot in 
> and it is exactly what I am looking for. I am sure more icons will be
> added by the developer or that there is a way that the users or other
> developers/programmers can add at will.
> What I would like to know now is if all I need to do is to add the
> source code to my project or if there is something else I should do. I
> am using Code::Blocks under MS.
> Please Murray, give us some input on this matter.

Yes, and I use it in Glom if you want to see an example. I'm sure I've
mentioned this before.

I'm not confident that you'll find it easy to use as a C API that
requires copying of source code.

murrayc murrayc com

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