Re: toggle button in TreeView not editable - appended with append_column_editable

here we go:

TreeModelColumn<bool> active;

is the toggle which shows up right but is not editable.



.h file:
#include <gtkmm.h>

#include "Profile_DB.h"

using namespace Gtk;

//Tree model columns:
class ModelColumns : public TreeModel::ColumnRecord
	TreeModelColumn<int> index;
	TreeModelColumn<bool> active;
	TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> apn;
	TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> userid;
	TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> password;
	TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> dns1;
	TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> dns2;

	ModelColumns() { add (index); add (active); add (apn);
		add (userid); add (password); add (dns1); add (dns2);

class Profile_Selector : public Dialog
	Profile_Selector (Window* win);
	virtual ~Profile_Selector();

	void insert_row (profile_t& prof);

	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> profile_tree_model;
	ModelColumns model_colums;


.c file:

#include <config.h>

#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include "Profile_Selector.h"
#include "iostream"

Profile_Selector::Profile_Selector (Window* win)

	: Gtk::Dialog (APPLICATION_NAME, *win, true, false)

	set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER);
	set_border_width (10);
	set_default_size (480, 240);
	get_vbox()->set_spacing (10);
	Frame* sub1_frame1 = manage (new Frame (_("Custom Profiles")));
	ScrolledWindow* sub1_scrollw1 = manage (new ScrolledWindow ());
	TreeView* sub1_treeview1 = manage (new TreeView ());

	get_vbox()->add (*sub1_frame1);
	sub1_frame1->add (*sub1_scrollw1);
	sub1_scrollw1->add (*sub1_treeview1);
	//Create the Tree model:
	profile_tree_model = Gtk::ListStore::create (model_colums);

	sub1_treeview1->append_column_editable("APN", model_colums.apn);
	sub1_treeview1->append_column_editable("User ID", model_colums.userid);
	sub1_treeview1->append_column_editable("Password", model_colums.password);
	sub1_treeview1->append_column_editable("DNS 1", model_colums.dns1);
	sub1_treeview1->append_column_editable("DNS 2", model_colums.dns2);
	sub1_scrollw1->set_policy(POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
	sub1_scrollw1->set_border_width (10);
	sub1_treeview1->set_model (profile_tree_model);
	Button* butedit = add_button (Stock::EDIT, 1);
	Button* butok = add_button (Stock::OK, RESPONSE_OK);

	set_default_response (Gtk::RESPONSE_OK);
	butok->grab_focus ();


// puts date in the model
void Profile_Selector::insert_row (profile_t& prof)
	TreeModel::Row row = *(profile_tree_model->append());

	row[model_colums.index] =    prof.index;
	row[] =;
	row[model_colums.apn] =      prof.apn;
	row[model_colums.userid] =   prof.user;
	row[model_colums.password] = prof.password;
	row[model_colums.dns1] =     prof.dns1;
	row[model_colums.dns2] =     prof.dns2;

Am Samstag 27 Oktober 2007 17:00:27 schrieb Murray Cumming:
> On Sat, 2007-10-27 at 16:44 +0200, Milosz Derezynski wrote:
> > The togglebutton is just an indicator (going with MVC stuff here);
> > that means that you need to set up a callback on:
> >
> >
> >rerToggle.html#0332ce9231ca8d0694f7f1e1b2350bf4
> >
> > and in that callback, which gives you a string tree path, do whatever
> > should be done when it's clicked, and change the state of the
> > togglebutton (just negating the state of for that
> > row, and using property_active() of the Renderer to reflect the new
> > state).
> No, append_column_editable() takes care of this, just as it does for
> numeric and text columns. You only need to connect signal handlers if
> you want to use the regular append_column() methods and have more
> control.
> It works in the examples/book/treeview/editable_cells/ example, so I
> guess we need to see Christopher's simple example of it not working to
> investigate more.

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