Re: Treeview with editable checkboxes besides items?

On 6/19/07, Jef Driesen <jefdriesen hotmail com> wrote:

There is one minor issue now. Clicking the name (not the checkbox!) also
toggles the checkbox. This is annoying if the user only wants to change
the selection. Is there a way to prevent this?

That's a problem with current Gtk+2: When you have more than one cell renderer in _the same_ column, and the Toggle cell renderer is one of them, then clicking that column inside that row will always cause the toggled callback of the Toggle cell renderer to be called, no matter into which renderer's area you actually click in that column.

I'm grieving this myself atm as we have a playlist kind of thing in our player here:, and i'd like to stuff the checkbox into the same column as the title (i think it's a good usability detail to have it not being a separate column, or rather to have it be in the same column as the title). However, due to current Gtk+, this isn't possible.


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