Gtk::StatusIcon example

I wrote a little example for Gtk::StatusIcon (see attachment).
Yes, I know, there is already an example for that, but I tried to improve it, showing blinking mode and how to hide the main window.
If you like it, you can merge it to gtkmm examples.

Obviously your suggestions are welcome, I'm very interested to know what is the "right" way to do that. I used some GTK+ signals because our Gtk::StatusIcon (at least in gtkmm-2.10.x) has not signals such as "activate" and "popup-menu".

The tarball provides a Makefile to build the example.

Just a question: do you know which library allows you to display a popup message? I mean something like the debian's update-notifier popup. I really don't know if it's GNOME-related, sorry if I'm a little bit off-topic.



Attachment: gtkmm_statusicon_example.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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