Re: How to make a simple selector item

On 2/24/07, Robert Pearce <rob bdt-home demon co uk> wrote:
In several of the dialogs in one of my apps, I want to present the user
with a list of items from which (s)he can select several. In 'doze this
is called a listbox, and it's a very common element. But Gtk seems to be
missing it. Instead I am faced with customising a TreeView - outrageous
overkill and, frankly, a pain in the butt. According to the Gtkmm
documentation, there is a ListViewText class, which simplifies things a
bit. However, it does not exist in my installation (Gentoo, fully

So, the question is, does Gtkmm have a nice simple way to put a single
column of plain text entries for the user to select from, or do I really
have to create a ListModel, wrap it in a TreeView, and wrap that in a
scroll box?
Rob Pearce             

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I think you want to use Gtk::ComboBoxText for this.

Paul Davis

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