Re: packaging help?

Jeremy Volkening <volkening mailshack com> writes:

b) downloading source packages of gtk2-perl based apps

For what it's worth I've been using cdbs with a debian dir left in the
cpan .tar.gz (eg. Gtk2::Ex::Clock for a simple example), which means
"fakeroot debian/rules binary" builds from the tar.  (Latest cdbs
introduces a pointless renaming of the perl .mk files designed to be
incompatible with older debian, but that can be ignored.)

dh-make-perl can be persuaded to give reasonable output but you probably
want to massage the description fields and probably the dependencies
list too.  (It also like to generate debhelper 7 format to limit
backward compatibility.)

I tried cpan2deb but it seemed to end up with slightly different layout
than native debian packages.  Perhaps that's changed by now.

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