Re: ToggleButton seems to suppress pointer-motion-mask events

(Bit of old stuff, I've been away ...)

muppet <scott asofyet org> writes:

Solution:  Don't put the DrawingArea inside a ToggleButton.


When you gtk_widget_add() the DrawingArea to the ToggleButton, you  
make the DrawingArea's GdkWindow a child of the ToggleButton's  

Nosing around with xwininfo suggests that doesn't happen, instead the
GdkWindow "event_window" gets plonked on top of any child widget's
GdkWindow.  So the original posted code is helped for me for instance by


after the show_all.  Though breaking the button's press action ...

That means that the ToggleButton's GdkWindow gets first  
crack at all the events.

For what it's worth, I believe it's the other way around, the sub-window
gets first go.

Normally, all you put inside a toggle button  
are no-window widgets, like GtkLabel or GtkImage, so this isn't a  

Looks like the InputOnly event_window in the button lets children
drawing in their own windows still work, but no interaction.  I suppose
it makes sense to have the button handle events and just have the
children do drawing, even if it's not quite obvious.

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