Re: Requirements for Gtk2::ComboBox?

On Sat, 2006-01-28 at 02:18 +0100, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
Hi Kenneth,

* Kenneth Swanson <kswanson watson wustl edu> [2006-01-28 01:00]:
My Gtk2 version is 2.6.4, which I think should have it; but
$Gtk2::VERSION is 1.081.  I couldn't figure out whether that was
too old for this widget or not.

the binding has been in Gtk2-Perl for a long time (since 1.040 if
my quick check is correct). But what matters is not which version
of gtk+ and which version of Gtk2-Perl you have, rather the
question is which version of gtk+ your installation of Gtk2-Perl
was compiled against. None of the widgets from gtk+ versions
newer than the one the module was compiled against will be

How can I figure this out?  Can I just do:

print Gtk2::major_version().

If so, that gives me 2.6.4, which should have the ComboBox, which leaves
me confused...

I apologize for all the stupid questions.


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