2 different text styles in same program

Hi, I trying some different ways to set different styles in the 
same script.
The following script has 2 textboxes. One on the left is
for line numbers, and the one on the right is for the lines.

Now I can set the color for the right box with 

but the method I use with the left textview is 
$textview_l->modify_bg('GTK_STATE_NORMAL', $black);

and dosn't work. Anyone know why? 

use warnings;
use strict;
use Glib qw(FALSE TRUE);
use Gtk2 -init;

#----- 1 way works-------------------------------------------
style "bg_text_blue" {
base[NORMAL] = "#0000FF"   
GtkTextView::cursor-color = "white"

widget "*my_name*" style "bg_text_blue"

my $black = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0,0,0);

# create a window with  linked scrolled text views.
my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
$window->signal_connect (destroy => sub {Gtk2->main_quit;return FALSE});

my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new();
$hbox->set( "border_width" => 0 );

my $scroll   = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
my $vadj = $scroll->get_vadjustment;
my $scroll_l   = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new(undef,$vadj);
$scroll_l->set_policy ('never', 'never');

my $textview_l = Gtk2::TextView->new;

##------- way 2 dosn't work-----------------------------------
$textview_l->modify_bg('GTK_STATE_NORMAL', $black);


my $buffer_l = $textview_l->get_buffer;

$hbox->pack_start($scroll_l,0, 0, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding;

my $textview = Gtk2::TextView->new;

$hbox->pack_start($scroll,1, 1, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding;
my $buffer = $textview->get_buffer;


#insert some text
my @lines =  `ps auxww`;
insert_w_lines(\ lines);


sub insert_w_lines{
  my $aref = shift;
  my @lines = @{$aref};
  my $lcount = 0;
  foreach my $line (@lines){
     my $lineI = sprintf "%03d\n", $lcount;
     $buffer_l->insert_with_tags_by_name ($buffer_l->get_end_iter, $lineI, 'col');
     $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name($buffer->get_end_iter, " $line",'blue');

sub create_tags{
  my $buffer = shift; 

           foreground => 'lightblue',

           foreground => 'green',


I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.

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